My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Peter Brett thinks his middle name is R.R.....
The concept of the Painted Man was a revolution to me. I loved it from the beginning and I read the book as fast as any other I have ever read. I thought Brett was a bit clumsy at times with his character development, but I've read worse. Overall, it was one of my favorite reads of the past few years, and I looked forward to the sequel. I'll skip right past The Desert Spear, because I enjoyed that almost as much, and I was really looking forward to the Daylight War.
Now. Now I don't know if I will finish it.
Don't get me wrong, it's still a good story, but somewhere down the line Brett must have Danced with some Dragons because suddenly his characters are all thinking with their private parts, and Brett seems to revel every twenty pages or so in dropping a lewd word or reference in that does absolutely nothing to add to the story. I imagine the next book will be reviewed here at Goodreads and also by Hustler.
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